Focus On The 4 Cores Of Trust – Part 2

The visible cores of trust are what people are drawn to. Like a tree, they represent its trunk, branches, and leaves.

They include intent, capabilities, and results.

Upward core of trust – Intent

Intent involves having a genuine intention to do good and being sincere.

Indeed, it is important to have good intentions when engaging in any type of relationship, as it builds mutual trust and respect.

Moverover, resolve is about more than just keeping your word. Basically, it is about having the desire to help, and to do the right thing. As well, intent contributes to trust by demonstrating to others that you are reliable. As well, that you can be trusted, and that your words and actions are consistent and sincere.

Also, it helps to foster an environment of mutual trust and respect. As, it indicates that you are willing to put in the effort to build strong relationships.

Covey explains the importance of intent in building trust. As has been noted, he argues that intent is about more than just keeping one’s word. Consequently, it is about having the desire to help to do the right thing.

Accordingly, Covey also explains that having good intentions helps to build mutual trust and respect. It is as important to be deliberate with one’s intentions to ensure that one’s words and actions are consistent and sincere.

Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of having the right intentions to be credible and trustworthy, and to ensure that relationships are built on a foundation of trust.

Credit – Alexander Andrews –

Outward core of trust – Capabilities

Capabilities refer to the skills, abilities, and knowledge that an individual or organization has to fulfill their commitments.

Importantly, they build trust because they demonstrate that the individual or organization can be relied upon to carry out the tasks they are expected to do.

Undoubtedly, having the right skills and knowledge helps to ensure that the individual or organization can complete the task in a timely and efficient manner. As well, this can help build trust between the individual or organization and its customers, partners, or stakeholders.

Covey defines capability as the ability of an individual or organization to deliver on their promises.

Basically, this means that capability is not just about having the right skills and knowledge, but also about having the correct attitude.

Just as important is the commitment to follow through on what has been promised. In other words, capability is about being able to demonstrate trustworthiness in terms of delivering results.

Reflecting core of trust – Results

Results contribute to trust in a number of ways. Firstly, results show people that the organization is reliable and can deliver on its promises.

Also, results demonstrate that the organization has the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to achieve the desired outcome.

Furthermore, results also provide evidence of the organization’s commitment to delivering the best possible outcomes for its stakeholders.

Finally, results provide the organization with a platform to share the successes and progress achieved. For this reason, they help to foster a culture of trust among its stakeholders.

According to Covey, results are an important part of trust. Results demonstrate an organization’s reliability and competence, and can provide evidence of the organization’s commitment to delivering the best possible outcomes for its stakeholders.

In conclusion, creating impact also helps to build a culture of trust among stakeholders, as they can see the progress being made and the successes being achieved. Additionally, results can help to reduce risk, as stakeholders will be more confident in the organization if they can see that it is capable of delivering on its promises.

* Written with assistance from chat AI.

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