Scrum Value #4 – We All Need A Little R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Part 4 in a 5-part series. This post covers Respect. When we respect each other, we acknowledge our humanity as a team. Each of us is different. We have different experiences. As well, ideas about how to work. This is the space where regard is essential.

The fourth value;

Scrum Team members have respect each other to be capable, independent people

When our daughters were young children, I would say to them the following about their friends’ behavior.

“It’s not right, it’s not wrong, it’s just different.”

The same applies to our teams. Also, it extends to the organizations where we work.

Respect each other

Sometimes we will disagree. That’s OK. In my post about Scrum Value #3, I covered disagreement.

Never forget we are all human and each person deserves respect. As capable, independent people, we can inspire esteem in our teams.

How we act toward each other is a key indicator of how much we value our teammates. The language we use is important and how we treat each other inside and outside team interactions.

We have the power to increase or decrease trust. This is based on how much or how little we appreciate each other.

To conclude, I like how Stephanie Ockerman lays out this value on the blog:

Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value 5

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