Finding Furry Animals In Unusual Places Like The Home Vacuum

During my weekend cleaning routine, I finally solved a problem I had been avoiding for a few years.  I hate to remove waste, especially when it’s not mine.

I regularly vacuum the common areas of our home while our daughters take care of their rooms respectively.  There’s only one issue that neither of my teenagers sees as something to fix.  It might be considered a humans being thing.

The photo for this post is one where I removed an impediment to completer and more efficient floor cleaning.  I spent about one-hour removing hair from the rotating brush head and the resulting pile of hair was about the size of a small, furry household pet.

Remove waste - Hair removed from vacuum
Removed waste from vacuum. Looks like a furry animal

Remove waste

So, I wonder, how much waste (Muda) did I allow by not cleaning the hair off the brush head? What sort of long-term cost had I created for myself over the last three or four years by not keeping the brushes clean? I may never know.

Learning to see waste is challenging. Toyota works at it daily. We should to.

When it comes to teams and teamwork, do you think similar situations exist? Just asking for a friend interested in large hairballs.

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