How Cynosure Beliefs Unlock Creative Awesomeness

Belief is a keystone that enables creative results. Each person and every team hold a set of beliefs that influence how work is done. Discovering core beliefs can unlock creative awesomeness.

Significantly, beliefs are kind of “squishy” in that they can be influenced.

So, for a person, beliefs change over time based on experience and learning. As such, teams alter their beliefs as they discover what they are capable of creating.

In the title, I chose cynosure as it is sharing a similar meaning to “core”. When core beliefs align within a team about their work, they move toward creation.

(intent + idea) x (belief + action) = creation

So many books have been written about belief there is no way I can list them all. To list, here are some points to consider:

  • Firstly, beliefs are not normally anchored on fact
  • Secondly, beliefs can be tested and should
  • Thirdly, beliefs should be altered as facts present
  • Fourthly, it is OK to have strong beliefs and yet have them be loosely
  • Fifthly, just because beliefs change, does not mean a person is “bad” or “wrong”

How to unlock creative awesomeness

My reading on beliefs led to Dr. Carol S. Dweck. Her book, Mindset, holds an insightful quote.

Cover of Mindset by Dr. Carol S. Dweck

“You have a choice. Mindsets are just beliefs. They’re powerful beliefs, but they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind.” p. 16

So, at a team level, this takes on a new twist. In my opinion, teams can choose to focus on common, positive beliefs. However, some will disagree.

Disagreement is fine. Heck, I would invite disagreement.

Overall, the resulting outcomes from disagreement can improve both the team’s and members’ beliefs. Basically, I this call it “creative friction”.

In the end, belief is one variable in the “creation” equation. Leverage it for team sucess!

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