Right Tools For The Right Outcomes

Hammers are for nails. Screwdrivers are for screws. Selecting tools for outcomes is a challenge. Picking the right tools for the right outcomes is critical.

This concept applies to physical tools and virtual tools.

  • First, not every team needs Jira to help organize, plan, and manage their work.
  • Next, not every tool is fit for the team’s purpose.
  • Finally, getting the right tools for teams is important for achieving desired outcomes.

There isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution in the market today that works for every team. Correct me if I’m wrong in the comments.

Years ago, I was introduced to “Tools and Their Uses”. It is a U.S. Navy training manual for ship maintenance.

Cover of Tools and Their Uses

The U.S. Navy gets selecting the right tools for the job is a problem. Are we smarter than the U.S. Navy?

Match tools for the right outcomes

Now, I’m going to go against the grain on tools. Organizing work doesn’t need Jira to make it visible.

Crazy, I know.

A spreadsheet is effective for making work visible. Indeed, it’s still an effective tool for organizing tasks.

Maybe, a more important piece of the conversation is missing.

Ask the question, “What are the desired outcomes so that we pick the right tools?”

Oh, and this is not just organizing and planning tools! This extends to meetings as well.

During meetings, I write notes on paper. At this point, all I need are a pen and paper to capture key points during meetings. The tools in this context are the pen and the paper.

Please, stop overthinking tools. Use the K.I.S. principle; keep it simple. Pick the right tools once the outcomes are understood.

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