• Tag Archives italy
  • The Fear Of Feeling “Less Than” In A New Position Or Role

    Posted on by Tim

    This was originally posted on LinkedIn. Changing roles creates mental conflict. My colleague wrestled with perception versus reality which prompted this post.

    Are you conflicted?

    Professionals can become conflicted for many reasons.  The potential list is nearly endless, because we are humans being.

    I attended a “lean coffee” session at lunchtime with my colleagues at Improving.   I join the Teams meeting when I’m able. Because these calls surface thoughtful discussion around challenges and insights within our Agile coach and Scrum Master community.

    One topic came up that led to this post.  A colleague wanted feedback.

    He is considering a role change from a technologist to an Agile coach at his current client.  Certainly, he was concerned about being perceived as “just a technologist”, not truly an Agile coach.

    Wow!  What a conflict!

    Perception versus reality

    During the 5-minutes timebox, we discussed how there may not be as much of a conflict between the roles of technologist vs. Agile coach.  Importantly, he had valid concerns about how his current role, as a technologist, might diminish his future influence as an Agile coach.

    Do you think his concerns are valid?  How might you coach him past his conflict?

    I can understand his concern. I faced similar feelings when I accepted a management role.

    Would I be accepted? What happens if I make a huge mistake? How will I deal with people problems?

    The waves of conflict can overtake anyone. Find an anchor, phone a friend, there’s plenty of help to around.

  • When Technology Fails, Drink Adult Beverage And Have A Few Laughs

    Posted on by Tim

    This was originally posted on LinkedIn. Empathy and humanity are essential to “showing up”.

    “Showing up” can be frustrating and fun.

    On Wednesday evening, I planned on presenting training for my colleagues at work on “teamwork”.  I prepared, sourced the content and slides, set up exercises in Mural, and opened the Teams call 15 minutes before the meeting start.

    Teams would not let me into the meeting that I set up! Strike 1

    My colleague Ali scheduled another Teams meeting and I joined that call.  I was just getting started and after 15 minutes or so of delay when Strike 2 happened.  My computer froze up.  Reboot, nothing, crickets, another 10 or more minutes gone.

    I was finally able to rejoin after the second reboot, but only one screen was working with my WFH setup. I needed two to move between the Teams discussion and Mural to avoid delays.

    St. Mark’s Square, Venice, Italy

    Empathy and humanity

    Here’s where empathy and just “humans_being” kicked in.

    After a short discussion and out of respect for everyone and the remaining time, we agreed to reschedule the session.  To my amazement and delight Ali, Janelle, Lisa, Nicole, and Patrick stayed online to just talk and connect!

    What I thought was a bit of missed opportunity and wasted time turned into a chance to connect more, laugh more, and share more life.

    It was also the first time I talked about how I navigate life, finding my “new normal” daily, with the challenges around PTS.

    Oh, in case you are wondering, there wasn’t a Strike 3!  I plan to be up-to-bat next week swinging for the fences, “showing up”, all with other “humans_being”!