My Childhood Occasionally Makes Sense As An Adult

This was originally posted on LinkedIn. “Knowing is half the battle.” – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

I think “showing” is the other half.

Showing up, regardless of how I feel on a given day, at a given hour or minute, makes a difference.  Teams do not work without teamwork; members show up.

Agile teams REALLY do not work unless the team members are showing up.  They might work for a short time due to cross-functional design.  At a certain point, specialized generalists can only accomplish so much with members missing.

When team members are not doing their work, it might be due to “social loafing” or maybe some other factor. It can be hard to tell what influences are behind the scenes as the “point of cause”.  After my post last week, I watched my willingness to “show up” and it was tough.

Knowing is half the battle

Often, we don’t stop to consider the challenges people face. Daily, team members, family, friends, and acquaintances struggle.

Often people struggle in silence. Look around and learn something about what may be happening to another person.

Get to know someone. Be empathetic, kind, and lend a listening ear. Show up and be human.

My challenge to you this week is to “show up” for yourself and someone else.  Give H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday) as it is the right thing to do.  

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