• Tag Archives croatia
  • Team “Human” And How Co-workers Can Make You Laugh, Smile, And Be Happy

    Posted on by Tim

    This was originally posted on LinkedIn. Team human, we’re all on it.

    How were you this week with your team at #humans_being?

    To follow up on my post on Monday, I wanted to share my experience this week showing up with my colleagues. I didn’t experience tech issues this time around, which was wonderful!

    Our learning session on teamwork was thoughtful and thought-provoking.  We tested a couple of approaches in the process of creating the learning experience.  IMO, I’m happy with the outcome, but I could improve my timing and sharing.

    For me, using electronic tools is easy.  Mural, PowerPoint, and Teams are not overly challenging to get proficient at using.  They are and have been part of my way of working for a while and are an enabling constraint for me to deliver content and information that is intended to enable learning.

    Not everyone is so fortunate.  Not every electronic tool is built for #accessiblity or #ease_of_use.  I am mindful that while I might make training #look_easy, it is not easy to #create and #facilitate engaging training.  The electronic tools might hinder learning and prevent the experience of #humans_being.

    Here in the United States and Canada, we are heading into a holiday weekend.  I want to challenge you, my followers, and my connections to consider how the fall or spring seasons might be for you and your teams.

    Old Town Dubrovnik, Croatia

    Team human

    Be mindful that we are still moving through stressful times that serve to create PTS.  Be thoughtful about meeting people where they are at in their career journey, both at work and socially.  Take time to be empathetic and compassionate with yourself and with the people around you.

    Enjoy your weekend and please share your stories.  I have two ears, two eyes, and one mouth, so I should be listening and watching twice as much as talking!

    Huge thanks to Janelle, Lisa, Nicole, and the rest of my Improving colleagues for being a part of the learning journey and showing up!

  • My Childhood Occasionally Makes Sense As An Adult

    Posted on by Tim

    This was originally posted on LinkedIn. “Knowing is half the battle.” – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

    I think “showing” is the other half.

    Showing up, regardless of how I feel on a given day, at a given hour or minute, makes a difference.  Teams do not work without teamwork; members show up.

    Agile teams REALLY do not work unless the team members are showing up.  They might work for a short time due to cross-functional design.  At a certain point, specialized generalists can only accomplish so much with members missing.

    When team members are not doing their work, it might be due to “social loafing” or maybe some other factor. It can be hard to tell what influences are behind the scenes as the “point of cause”.  After my post last week, I watched my willingness to “show up” and it was tough.

    Knowing is half the battle

    Often, we don’t stop to consider the challenges people face. Daily, team members, family, friends, and acquaintances struggle.

    Often people struggle in silence. Look around and learn something about what may be happening to another person.

    Get to know someone. Be empathetic, kind, and lend a listening ear. Show up and be human.

    My challenge to you this week is to “show up” for yourself and someone else.  Give H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday) as it is the right thing to do.  

  • The Powerfully Insightful And Wicked Smart Wife!

    Posted on by Tim

    This was originally posted on LinkedIn. Occasionally, an actual conversation happens for me.

    I reached out to a colleague as I had not heard from him in a while. Consequently, I was concerned about him, I sent him a message in Teams to see how he was doing.

    As well, I took time and had an actual conversation with one of my teenage daughters, as her “best friend forever” has been traveling for the past couple of weeks.

    I had a good, actual conversation with my wife about “showing up.”  She challenged me further with her own experience.

    Undeniably, I was surprised, shocked, and delighted by what she shared. 

    On the train somewhere between Croatia and Austria

    An actual conversation

    My wife was born and raised in Yugoslavia. Today, her country is known as Hrvatska or, in English, Croatia.

    Certainly, there is a cultural difference she shared was how her Mom would visit with the neighbors daily.  Mostly unannounced, for short, long, and in-between visits.  My mother-in-law would show up.

    When people visit Croatia, visitors are pleasantly surprised by how nice most of their encounters with Croatians are in person.  In general, Croatians show up.

    Separately, my wife reminded me of a chapter in Cody McClain Brown’s “Chasing a Croatian Girl.” In chapter 12, Cody describes neighbors and how they show up. Not to spoil the story, it’s worth a read. Try to continue to show up at work AND at home. 

    Consider this as a guide for your teams to higher performance.  Think of it as a way to strengthen the relationships you have with your family, neighbors, and friends.